Can the Square Root of a Number Be Negative

Foursquare root of a number

Before agreement what the foursquare root of a number is, it is of import to empathise the pregnant of root of a number.

Square root of a number

The root of a number is an equal factor of the number. For example, hither is how to find the root of 16.

First, we need to factor xvi. The different ways to factor 16 are shown below.

16 = 1 × 16

16 = 2 × 8

xvi = four × four

The root of 16 is 4 considering 4 is the equal factor for xvi. We phone call 4 the

square root

of xvi and nosotros write √16 = four.

4 is chosen square root because nosotros have to square four or enhance 4 to a power of 2 to get 16.

Other examples showing how to detect the square root of a number.

Find the square root of iv.You can gene four in two dissimilar means.

4 = 1 × four

4 = two × 2

The equal factor is 2, so 2 is the square root of four and we write √four = 2.

Find the square root of 64.

64 = one × 64

64 = two × 32

64 = 4 × 16

68 = viii × 8

The equal cistron is 8, and so the square of 64 is 8 and we write √64 = 8.

Can the square root of a number be negative?

Yes, absolutely! If yous multiply a positive number by itself, y'all get a positive product. If you multiply a negative number by itself, you lot also get a positive product.

For example, since -viii × -8 = 64, -viii is also a square root of 64. Withal, unless otherwise stated, the foursquare root sign (√ ) refers to the positive root of a number, also called principal square root.

Can the square root of a number be a real number?

For the numbers to a higher place, the square root was equal to an integer.

information technology is non e'er possible to go the square root equally an integer.

Sometimes, you may become a real number when finding the square root.

For example, apply the foursquare root figurer beneath to discover the square root of 5.

The result includes lots of numbers afterward the decimal point.

Gear up for large time claiming? Just like long division, acquire how to compute the square root without a computer for any number that is not a perfect foursquare.I promise you will non sweat too much!

Teachers! Do you lot want a ready fabricated square roots table that students can quickly refer to equally they solve their basic math problems? Get the square roots tabular array.


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